Sorry for the lack of another post about Costa Rica (if anyone was actually waiting for that..), BUT, I'm about to be off on another adventure so hopefully, internet access permitting, there will be lots of blog posts to come.
I feel like I have no idea what's about to happen. I know that I'm going to Indonesia, and I know that I've read all that I can in the form of pre-departure information, program packets, and books about the culture. I'm excited and nervous and kind of in shock all at the same time....but, if I've learned anything this summer, I think it's that little things fall into place the way they are supposed to. So, I'm trying to approach my ridiculously long travel time (beginning at 6 tonight and ending somewhere around 2:30 Wednesday morning) with a sense of calm.
I know I'm ready for this, but thinking more and more about it just makes me either overly anxious or overly excited. Sometimes I imagine myself wandering around Bali on a bicycle, stopping at the market to buy some vegetables, arriving at my homestay where I change into the bright and intricate cloths we have to buy for rituals, and then participating in a tooth-filing ceremony. It's so happy and peaceful...and funny (because someone is having their teeth filed and I'm standing there as if I actually know what's going on). Then, sometimes I imagine myself wandering around Bali on that same bicycle, scared and alone, unable to escape a language that I can't understand (and kind of sounds like confused chickens) and wanting so badly just to ride my bike to somewhere where I can eat anything that's not the flavor of rice. Soo...I've decided to stop imagining, cause my mind is wandering a little too far. I'm just going to take things as they come, and this whole thing is just gonna go how it goes!
I'll be updating as much as possible, but, fair warning, it might be a little while. I think there's no internet where we are for the first 10 days...and I won't even be there for a couple of days still! I'll be back in touch at some point though.
So, goodbye! or selamat tinggal! (as they say/kind of chirp in the language that I'm hopefully about to learn)
Until I blog again from the direct other side of the world and down a little bit,