Wednesday, May 20, 2009

I Love Stretching

If all of my days included little children, an hour-long "stretching" class, and the feeling of a much-needed hot shower, I think I would be content.  

This afternoon, after lunch and Spanish lessons, a Costa Rican man clad in a bright green and black track suit showed up to lead us in a scheduled "stretching" class that we had all been anticipating for the past few days.  The intensity of his suit made me a little worried at first that this "stretching" might not be as soothing as I had expected, but, I have to say, my first experience with Costa Rican stretching was even better than I had expected.  I don't know what it was, but, for some reason, the stretches (which were basically yoga) made me feel more relaxed than I've felt in a long time.  I think it's just the environment here.  I mean, imagine doing yoga on a covered patio accompanied by Costa Rican music (and a Costa Rican man haha)...with the rain pouring down over the hillsides just hard enough that you can feel a cool mist.  What more could you ask for? (...well that plus the hot shower part.  We figured out how to make the showers hot!! yessss)

One of the staff members  told us the other day that the kids here might not have much, but they are always happy.  It's because, she said, they have these beautiful views.  The bus ride to my placement is full of views that rival, and probably beat, the views that people pay millions of dollars for in California and the like.  And while I don't think most of the kids at my school come from especially poor families, they most definitely live modest, simple lives.  It's true though...they always seem content.  Despite Cecil's frequent dramatic outbursts, and Juan Carlos' sensitive little self (I've learned that he's the other crier in my class), the kids are so happy just running around, just talking to you, and just laughing.  

(That was yesterday...I got tired of blogging and stopped and went to bed, but now I don't remember what else I was going to say..) is today.  I'm still content. 

AHHH.  I like it more and more here every day.  We don't have too much to do at night and in the afternoon most days, but we are all getting along so well and having so much fun that there's never really a shortage of things to do.  We've been trying to schedule self-taught classes for our group outside of the afternoon activities that we do have scheduled--everything from French lessons led by the Canadians to Hannah Montana dance lessons to kickboxing class.  AND I've acquired a new piece of jewelry every day I've been here.  A bracelet made out of lanyard string, an anklet made out of yarn, and, my favorite, a bamboo bracelet that I got to make this afternoon when we went on a field trip to a woman's bamboo shop.  My limbs are becoming so colorful and Costa Rica-fied.  

I even got to stretch again today!  This afternoon, 4 of us decided to go for a run in the afternoon rain (it still comes like clockwork everyday at about 2).  I think the locals must have thought we were crazy when they saw us sopping wet looking like we were about to keel over trying to get up this massive hill.  I decided mid-run that the hills here are probably why you don't see Costa Ricans out running much..
Also, some of my bamboo beads are apparently actually nuts, sooo their outer layer decided to disintegrate in the rain.  I was slightly upset, but I've learned to love the new splotchiness they've assumed.  

Then, after our run, we put some yoga mats on the patio and did a make-shift repeat of yesterday's stretching class.  This time, though, our leader was Catherine, the little kindergarten-age volunteer who's living in the house with her parents and sister.  This is the first time I've ever been thrown into a group of people with such an age range, and I've been amazed at how much it hasn't mattered.  From the kindergartener to the old man, Alvin, there's never anyone who it's hard to find something to talk about with (and I'm not really even good at finding things to talk about!).  I guess when everyone is thrown into a new place with little knowledge of what to expect, people cling to the one thing they know they can find comfort in--the other people.  

I'm also connecting more and more with the kids at the school every day.  It's nice how the schools here are such open communities, with older kids coming in and out of the classroom all day.  I'm starting to know some of them, and I love seeing how curious they are about America.  Today, one boy came up to me and said "Is America beautiful??".  It was so precious (he didn't say it in English), but it also made me hope that the little kids here appreciate what's around them because, in all honesty, I think it's prettier here than it is in a large portion of America.  

Tonight after dinner we wandered over to a soccer stadium that's right across the street from our house to watch some of the local boys practice.  They were hidden in a cloud of fog when we got there, but we literally stood there and watched the whole field become uncovered in a span of about 3 minutes.  We listened to Hannah Montana music on someone's iPhone and judged people's attempts at runway walks while we watched.  I would love to know what the local boys thought of their audience haha.

Oh...I forgot to say that at the bamboo place we had the BEST coffee.  I don't really even like plain coffee but this was soo good.  I want it every day.

I think that's all for now.  I need to go pack for the weekend.  YAYY so excited.  

Oh, and love update: Holly's last day is tomorrow, but she and Trevor have planned one last weekend together.  They've spent lots of time wandering the streets of Puriscal alone at night, but when they're in the house, they like to place themselves prominently in the living area with their arms around each other, usually while Trevor plays the guitar.   Trevor is staying for 3 more weeks, so it should be interesting to see how he acts once she's gone.  We've guessed that he's going to attempt to move in on another volunteer...but I don't know...

Ok I'm finally done after these pictures.


  1. Beautiful. Wish I was there too. Love the way you write Soph. You're having so much fun and it's only just started. Can't wait to hear more!


  2. you should just bring one of the kids back with you when you come home. im in durango now and its supposed to rain all weekend so were trapped inside when we should be hiking and such. i dont really think they run outdoors anywhere south of the usa from what ive heard. nothing new is happening here, so ill stop writing now.


  3. I'm so excited to see pictures of the kids. Ahhh, you used to cry at kindergarten too!! Remember? I'm loving the blog. Love U!

  4. It sounds like you're having so much fun- keep posting pictures!! and guess what?! I got a job!
